Sunday, September 27, 2009

Birthday party/independence day

Good evening (good morning in the US),

time to debrief from last night/this morning. another all night rager. yesterday afternoon, aaron and I were taking a stroll down Vermlandsgade (big ups to Amager) and passed an anti-coal protest march going from the center to the power plant nearby. There were a lot of people and plenty of police escorts moving the protest along. Traffic was severely backed up and many people got creative with how to wiggle out of the gridlock, usually by driving on the sidewalk or bike lane.

Later on, we went down to Christiania with a bottle of gin and seven cones to chill out and go to the big birthday party. The whole city was very full of people and there was loud electro playing from a massive stage erected in the field. We ran into some of our friends around the area and on Pusher St. people were lighting flying lanterns (crazy!) and almost burnt down a tree and a building.Some kid tripping out on some drugs came over and started talking to me. He was pretty entertaining but made no sense.

We chilled at the party and got down to the jams until hunger got the best of us and we went on a falafel run to a place I shall never return to (later in the night I returned for another falafel and they were out of falafel and hummus and pretty much everything. They should have been more on top of their game.). On the way back, we met up with our friend Tobias (you remember him from August 30th's post). Tobias is the self-proclaimed best rapper in Svendborg (and a very entertaining drunk). I battle rapped him 3 times and completely demolished him. In fact, he personally bestowed me with the title of DK's best rapper.

We were all sitting at the tables at Nemoland when a dancer jumped up on the table, fed beers to people, wet her bra repeatedly, and proceeded to give a strip show in front of us. Pretty crazy shit. We ran into our friend Cecilie randomly but soon lost her and went back to the electro concert. While Aaron and I were on a beer run, our friend Ellen had to help some girl who was ODing on molly. She ended up in an ambulance and I hope all is well with her.

So long story short, we chilled at the electro show all night (it also had a great lightshow!) and then went to the water to watch the sunrise. After hustling through to cold to get home, we finally fell asleep at 8.

Woke up at 2, went to see the Royal Copenhagen showroom at 3, came back and ate some pizza and am going to go to bed very early tonight to recover.

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